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Our Goals

1. Work on the sustainability of retirement benefits upon entitlement with the concerned authorities, and seek to grant some privileges to retirees. 2. Contribute to the organization of the efforts of those referred to retirement systems from employees of the various sectors concerned. 3. Seeking to contribute to helping retired individuals grow their savings. 4. Supporting talents and scientific and intellectual abilities, and encouraging talents, scientific and intellectual abilities and competencies, and participation for the well-being of society. 5. Supporting experienced members in the association and providing opportunities for them. 6. Make efforts to preserve the material and moral rights and interests of retirees and preserve their gains.


1. Sincerity at work 2. Equality between Retirees 3. Good manners in dealing 4. Empathy and concern for others and community spirit

About us

The Bahrain Experience Society was established in 2024 in the Kingdom of Bahrain under registration No. (1/C/A.C/2024) in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Associations, Social and Cultural Clubs, Private Bodies Working in the Field of Youth and Sports, and Private Institutions promulgated by Legislative Decree No. (21) of 1989 and its amendments, and the ministerial decisions issued in implementation thereof. Publication of Resolution No. (41) of 2024 AD regarding the license to register the Bahrain Experience Society, and a summary of the Association's articles of association on 15 Dhu al-Qa'dah 1445 AH corresponding to May 23, 2024 AD Our message: We seek the needs of retirees in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and we seek to provide distinctive and attractive programs and services to satisfy them, enhance their capabilities, and increase awareness of their needs and demands.


To be a leading national civil society that serves the retirees of the Kingdom of Bahrain, supports the quality of life for them and their families, and actively participates in sustainable development in accordance with Bahrain's Vision 2050.


We seek the needs of retired men and women in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and we seek to provide distinctive and attractive programs and services to satisfy them, enhance their capabilities, and raise awareness of their needs and demands.