Strategic Directions

Al-Markh Charity operates through five main strategic directions: Assistance: The main tasks of the area of ​​aid are: Monthly assistance "food and non-food items for destitute families, Ramadan and holidays, health services, educational services, marriage and marriage, shelter in emergencies. Education: The main tasks of the field of education are: basic and secondary education, higher education, literacy, training and vocational training, youth work, recognition and motivation. Projects in this area include: Work courses and programs for students. Work for students during their studies and before exams. Providing financial assistance to higher education students. Take care of outstanding students and organize their own ceremony. Family, Women and Children: The main tasks of this area are focused on: family care, women's social and economic empowerment, child protection, work on the upbringing and care of women and children. Projects and activities in this area include: Ensure orphans and needy families. Communicate with benefactors and government to build and renovate homes for the poor and the needy. To provide financial support for the establishment of small income-generating projects and activities, and to provide the necessary training and rehabilitation, so that the targeted families can depend on themselves. Social Activities: The main tasks of this area are: organizing youth gatherings, festivals, sports courses, collective arithmetic, trips. Projects and activities in this area include: Festival of the Half of Shaaban The Football Association Private trips for parents. Entertainment. Collective Aqeeqah Project Development Project: The development project is the arm of sustainable development in the association to transform the strategic support of the society's beneficiaries from material and moral benefits to sustainable development support in society. The program seeks to see it as: a conscious and educated society that does all its energies and towards a cohesive and cohesive society, and towards a healthy environment And to provide the appropriate environment, programs and courses to free the energies, talents and skills of community members. The objectives of the program can be summed up in: Attention to talented people, refining their talents, computer literacy, developing educational levels in society as well as spreading awareness of the environment among members of society. The ultimate goal is to strengthen cohesion and cohesion among the members of society Organizing youth gatherings, lectures, workshops, scientific and recreational trips, and youth programs and activities. Projects and activities of the project include: Computer courses in various fields. Self-development and community workshops. Scientific and professional trips.


We are a non-governmental social charity established in 2011 to develop the community and provide assistance to needy families. We work in the fields of sustainable development, fighting poverty and helping those affected by emergencies, and is considered one of the charitable societies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Association contributes to providing needy families with material and moral aid, realizing the principle of social solidarity in its finest form. The general budget of the association depends in part on the donations of the villagers and their voluntary contributions. Most of the parents share a heart of confidence because these means of spending are one of the easiest ways to obtain satisfaction and reduce the bonds of mercy.