The diversity of this component has a wide diversity that resulted in the inclusion of all segments of the society, almost by giving them the support of those in need, by ensuring the expenses of the study of the students as much as possible, and the marriage of unmarried youth, Carry or contribute to the expenses of treating some patients, etc. in various ways that may not necessarily be directly financed. For example: the pursuit of owners of integrity, good and institutions and supporters of charity, and considers the Social Research Committee is competent in this regard.

In addition, the various cultural activities sponsored by the association have a great impact in raising the awareness of the village people in the various fields of knowledge that they discussed to perform their role for which they were found.

Al-Marikh Social Charity was born out of the Al-Mirkh Charity Fund, which despite its accreditation as an official institution was not published until the beginning of the millennium. In 2001, however, With the efforts of the members of the Board of Trustees elected from the members of the General Assembly - who are almost all the villagers - It should be noted that the charitable work organized in the village has roots beyond the foundation of the charity fund through the various roles that were carried out by good men in the village Yeh. The march of this institution continues on the path of communal coexistence in accordance with the approach of the Messenger of Peace: (Like a strong structure, one of them is united, if a member complains to him that the other members have become feverish and vigilant).