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Culture is a crucial factor in building and shaping individuals, and thus greatly affects entire societies. In the...

The Board of Directors of the Tree of Life Charitable Social Association held the first regular meeting of the...

Wings that do not flap do not fly. Whoever wants to sail the sky must endure pain. This pain is what will carry him...

Financial planning is very important and a priority for any family. The Family Guidance Department of the Tree of...

By being kind to people, you win their hearts, by treating them well and having good manners, you mend hearts and...

Orphan care contributes to the emergence of good children who are able to live with dignity and integrate into...

Listen carefully to children's conversations about their interests and preferences, inquire about their future dreams...

Giving increases the energies of the individual and the nation, sharpens the spirits, helps to gain love, respect,...

The association seeks through recreational activities to develop a sense of happiness among our orphan members on an...

Accurate and high-quality professional work is the result of a good professional employee, a successful professional...

Reading is of great importance that cannot be ignored. It is both food and medicine and is the basis of intellectual...

The association seeks through recreational activities to develop a sense of happiness among our orphan members on an...

Success has people who appreciate its meaning, and creativity has people who reap it. The Chairman of the Board of...

The evidence of a prosperous society is providing assistance, aid and effort to work towards achieving good in...

Because His Majesty the King has honored the Jaafari Endowments Administration, which distributed the Royal Civil...

Children are happy when they make their own cakes with their favorite flavors and decorate them with their favorite...

Giving the child the confidence to practice and develop their talents away from any fears that they feel that their...