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Our Goals

The association exists in order to provide its services primarily to the needy families as a legal duty upon them and not as a favor from it to anyone. All it seeks is to provide assistance to those who deserve it in a way that preserves their dignity and dignity. Yes, the association seeks to provide distinguished and innovative services that contribute to raising the level and awareness of needy families, not only at the standard of living, but extends to the educational and awareness level.


Brotherhood and harmony Honesty and integrity Justice Appreciation and respect Sincerity and dedication.


Providing distinguished assistance and services according to fair, transparent and legitimate foundations and standards based on community partnership and the advancement of society through targeted guidance and awareness programs.


Maintaining the dignity of needy families and promoting them for the advancement of society.

About us

We are an association established in order to provide its services primarily to the needy families as a legitimate duty upon them and not as a favor from them to anyone. All we seek is to provide our assistance to those who deserve it, so that we have fulfilled our legitimate duty towards those who gave us his trust to deliver his charity or donation to the deserving of the needy families.